Studies on the external morphology of leaves and stem of 2 kinds of Pueraria mirifica {PM) i.e. bluish-purple flower and short hair pod (WG-sh), purple flower and long hair pod (WG-lh) were found that both kind of PM were nearly the same. But when tubers of both PH were sliced, dried and powdered and treated to the immature ovariectomized rate for testing of the estrogenic activity and the effects on the spleen, pituitary, gland, and adrenal gland. The results were found that WG-lh which had less contained higher estrogenic activity than WG-sh which had more in the forest whereas both kinds of PH had no effect on the organ tested. The estrogenic potency were different also.
Charin Wungjai, Wannaluck Jun-ngern and Yuthana Smitasiri
Faculty of Science and Tccbnology,Chiang Mai Teacher’s College and Faculty of Science,Chiang Mai University,Chiang Mai.
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